Surgical Fishing Strike Comes Up Empty!

On 8/30/2014 Two rangers and one R.I.T executed a Brook Trout strike on a very specific section of a very specific stream somewhere in our Happy Hunting grounds. Despite their best efforts the three could not shake the F-Troop Trout Fishing curse. It seems no matter where we go we just can’t seem to find them. The mission was not a total loss we did come across some great fishing holes when conditions are right. Also we have pics of a nice little waterfall. So here is the trivia question of the day, where is pictured waterfall located? Polecat you are not eligible on account of you have insider information!
Good Luck!


Somewhere in da woods!
Somewhere in da woods!

NEWFLASH! Lodge to Reopen?

From sources it was told that the probability of the Lodge opening again is in the works! Polecat, along with righty and lefty in tow will now have a place to go after a long day in the woods. Beer futures looks like they will be up as well!

Will a direct trail to the Lodge be cut this coming work weekend?

Stay tuned for updates!

Meanwhile -from the same source it was conveyed that the Polecat was caught “like a mouse in a bucket” at the beer tent at the local fair – not once but twice!

The season is coming fast – time to get in shape boys!

Trailhugger Retires: Wendy’s Stock Plummets – Ducks Now Fly In Fear!

We Will Miss You Mikey!!

Trailhugger has announced that he is now retired, and will not have to go to work anymore! It looks as if there will be plenty of open weekends now, that he can attend camp and chase mules all the way to the barrel!

It also has been reported that ducks now fly in fear – will steel shot be raining down all over the place?

In other news Wendy’s will have to close at least three restaurants, and lay off several senior staff.

Congrats Trailhugger, enjoy it before the Mighty Pharaoh Oblama finds out and takes it all away and gives it to those who are less fortunate!

Chip – it appears you lost your new bunk!

UPDATE! – All traffic on USrt20 now diverted by DOT to repair recurring “anomaly” that bewildered locals for years. It was thought that it was from a fault, but appeared to be akin to a snowmobile crossing. Yet another mystery to be solved!

SPRING HIKE 2014 “Success”?

Based on a lack of interest, and plans already in place – only four dildos arrive at camp. Two are newbies looking for membership in this elite club – as with the FAMHC.

Four FTrooper’s show up to camp to keep the tradition of almost 10 years alive. Only ONE member, who just so happens to be one of the original four charter members of the Spring Hiking Club, and of course the FAMHC; sets off for alpine adventures! Going solo up the hill, Leaddog leaves the trio on level ground (which incidentally was not too far from the beer), and heads initially for the Scenic Vista. Finding the Hilton in a pile of fire wood, yet another rebuild was in order. V5.0 of the Hilton now stands, and awaits those seeking refuge in storm conditions. No visit to the vista this time!

Back below, the gang of three cuts and moves firewood about. One “certain” member in good health of said gang conveniently leaves his trekking gear at home, thereby making him not eligible to hike. The future of the Spring Hiking Club may be in peril if this keeps up!

If Polecat doesn’t erase the pictures, or lose his camera – Digger will post the remainder of the photos!

Democrats are banned from F Troop

From your DEN MA MA

If I hear of any of you diddos voting for of even speaking kindly about one, you wont just be going to Gitchigoumi, You will be banished from F Troop period.  You will be permitted to register as one depending where you live or work. Thats it. I mean it. They are all Liberal, Marxist, Communists.
