Rumor has it that the “FTrooper formally known as Raven” was sighted at the sacred hunting grounds looking for the Denmama….who was not present.

Hobbit actually spoke with him, full content of the conversation has not been divulged as of yet….Inquiring minds want to know!

Will he be coming back to camp to hunt this year?…..

Where was he going?….

Stay tuned for an update!

FAMHC has success!

The FAMHC with associated probies did indeed venture into the wilds, walked a total of no less than 18 miles and found the “target” only to be divulged and referenced to as objective “Delta Alpha”. 😉

Badges were earned by all!

Photo’s will be sent, once we get them ….stand by!

Attention Ass Holes — This message is not for the sick, lame or lazy.

Trailhugger and the spinless piece of shit “spike” need not apply or respond. The Hobbit and Tobias are not in this classification and may respond to play cards and cook the shit we will eat on Saturday nite.

The men only will assemble at the camp on Friday 4/25/08 or 5/3/08 (rain or snow depth date) to go into the wilderness to explore beyond where human endurance will be tested.

We will suit up with sufficient armament and leave promptly the next morning (Saturday)

If you are going, you MUST call me by the Wednsday before. I’ll let you know if the snow is to deep by the Monday before.
Den Ma Ma
P.S. The want ad digest is full of Tread Mills. Just in case there are any sick, lame or lazy interested.

The Stay Away Buck I & II on the wall!

The Stay Away Bucks

Well boys here he is! Once again thanks to all the members of F.A.R.T who helped in the recovery of this trophy.

Leaddog’s snowshoe adventure ’08

To camp on Sunday- March 30, cold and sunny…..saw the Denmama and his Denmama enjoying the morning meal, got caught up with all the latest that was “fit to print”….lot’s of snow at camp, at least three feet. Shoed up the hill, made it to the Hilton by 1:00, which was completely buried in no less than five feet of snow. Continued on to the Vista, got my “Scenic Vista on Snowshoes Maintenance Badge”… other badge earners present. Many photo’s taken, which will show up soon.
