Work Week-end

Work week end is coming up. Lots of wood to cut for sale. I have one tree that came down on my camp during the winter we can cut up to sell.
See ya all in September (I think it’s still the last w/e in Sept. but is it Sept 23 & 24

Coyotes and You

While hunting up north this season I saw my first coyote. I would have taken it, but a fellow sport was in the line of fire. As I stood down and watched him run by I relized I didn’t know much about the coyote. If you want to learn a little about the coyote, then check out this link that Leaddog submitted:
The Coyote in New York State
Now I know a little background information on the coyote. I also know that the next time I see one in the woods, I am going to drop it where it stands.

2005 Season is Over

Well boys, That’s It!! The final total is 3 Bucks for the ’05 season. A recap of the season is on the way. I cleaned up the site a little bit today. The countdown to next season has been started. Tommorrow I will get the recap started, you guys will have to fill in the second and third weekends because I wasn’t there. I also want to get the gallery integrated into the site as soon as possible. Check back for updates!

Fifth Weekend is a Success!

Thanks to leaddog’s dedication to the greater good of the camp, we got a big 10 pointer on Saturday. Leaddog was alone in the woods on Friday doing recon when he picked up the trail of this beast. He then scouted out the area and left a detailed report of his findings. On Saturday morning we excuted a perfect hunt, resulting in a 10pt, 145lb buck.
Due to circumstances beyond Leaddog’s control he could not be present on Saturday for the excursion. Maybe next time Leaddog. Excellent job by all, and thanks LeadScout, I mean Leaddog.

WWE 2005 Post Reort

Well boys WWE went great as always. We had a great turnout with around 19 guys in camp. We got the chores done and had some fun along the way. We worked our b@$$& off sunday for $0.16/hour cutting firewood. But we will have some semi-free beer come hunting season. I forgot the camera at my camp so I won’t be able to post any pictures until next monday. So check back often as things will be changing on this site.

–Diggity out