Can you believe it? Only 100 days until we begin the pursuit of happiness! Let’s get some traffic going here on the site and discuss our excitement – or lack thereof!
Spring Hike 2017
Dates to be determined by the snow melt for the driveway to thaw. Rain or Shine
I can only go on April 29/30, May 6/7, May 20/21
Robba wants to finish the hooter hilton. I’ll bring two pieces of aluminum 36″ X 10 ft. from the side wall of my old pool for a permanent roof. I’ll paint them camo so Raven (Jerry) will be happy if he ever shows up again.
You will eat the dogs of death that I saved from huntin season. I will buy new rolls. The rolls from huntin season turned blue. I could have cut out the blue but there would’nt be enough roll to cover about a half a dog. Your lucky
I had 4 back straps smoked for snacks. I sampled a few slices and boy is it good..
Bring your own beer and gin. I have SoCo in camp and some Jack from huntin season.
The sick lame and lazy are welcome to come and play cards and hang out with the Hobbit and Pie Whore. You may have to go with the Hobbit for cheese burgers. The Ox Bow is closed til May 12 for renovations but Haskells down past Nobolsboro will be open. Or I’ll bring some mule to grind up and make your own burgers
Your loving Den Ma Ma
Leaddog straps on snowshoes, makes it “All The Way To The Notch!”
Leaddog reports the conditions are very favorable for ‘shoeing, with two plus feet of warmy changy stuff in the lowlands of the Happy Huntin’ grounds. He did a recon loop of the bunny hill and was aided by a fabulously snipped out trail to the summit. Headed all the way to the notch!, then over the big hump to the treestand and out. No mule tracks were observed, smaller critters were here and there. Coyotes seem to be spending their nights dancing around the ancient ice rock at night. Pics of said expedition are attached.
P.S – If you zoom in on the pic of the burning hollowed out tree you can see all the way through it. Sorta like looking back through the last 8 years of hell and seeing light. Look really close and you will see Trump standing there welcoming you to the other side!

Normally, we wouldn’t post anything not related to the gangs pursuit of happiness in the happy hunting grounds here, but in this case we must! “Junior” now joins the ranks of those with the lust for blood, by bagging his very first mule in the southern zone! All I know as told, that it was flat, cold, snowy and in the southern zone! Junior bags a button buck, earns his biology badge by removing said entrails and keeping his lunch!
Congrats junior! He needs a new handle!
Digger – post the pix!

The last gathering of the 2016 FAMHC results in Toucher, Leaddog, Steven, Probie and Robba hitting the hills to work some more fat off of the mules. Toucher climbs to his watch in the amber waves of grain to inform the crew that a monster with at least a 20” spread is in the area. All aborts the original plan and now focuses on this new beast that’s apparently present. Robba hunts in the lake area, Leaddog and Steven formulates a plan to hunt around the swamps then back to the awaiting Toucher. A new development occurs, as Toucher announces that this new beast o’ mighty has already been bagged, tagged and dragged – by F-troop! It was the ten pointer from a couple of weeks ago, based on data. Sounds as if the Toucher was getting even from his bout of touchy-tummy, or from mushroom poisoning by Leaddog! Probie arrives, and runs backside round the mountain to the lake. The five now converges and hunts near the lake, pushing out an intruder during the drive. Piewhore arrives by vehicle and waits in anticipation near the lake, but not one mule is seen. All five members now has exclusive rights in the FAMHC, due to the charter that lists “no less than two Fridays of hunting CHU’s to maintain said membership. Piewhore gets a senior discount and now has an honorary position into to esteemed club, until next year!
All hunts the valley, swamp and surrounding hills. Drivers heads out to the stream headwaters, watchers to their posts. Lindy, the red blooded mule killer of last week gets on tracks that may prove to be an antlered mule! The lust for blood now courses through his veins like the syrup laden cholesterol fluid that runs through Spikes! Polecat, Robba, Digger and Steven pushes the hill to the watchers, with no sign of mules whatsoever. Tracks yes, bodies – no. Part two results a push from Piney Knob to the Knolls, where yet again nothing is produced. Robba launches one mule straight right over the top Liz, and possibly into orbit – we’ll have to contact NASA for verification. All meets at the end, and hikes back to camp for a mulefest dinner.
Enough is enough! Spoiled we are, no one wants to hunt today! With three bucks of size now in the larder, why push ourselves?! The crew awakens to coffee, mule sausage and eggs any style, cleans camp and goes home to the honey-do lists! A great season was had by all, with the promise of more mules next year as seen by the gang during the last few weeks – if the warmy-changy thing and brush wolves doesn’t get to them first.
7, 10, and a 8.5 ptr removed from the gene pool, including one brushwolf. VERY few does observed, brushwolves abound. Fishers and Pine Martins show themselves to the gang. No bears seen, but tracks on the last day of the season. 25 lbs of mushrooms collected and consumed – a banner year!
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