2010 Second Weekend Post Report

Friday: Leaddog gets in woods to 10pt corner watch. Rain-sleet-snow begins, and doesn’t end until watch was left after five hours of admiring the apparent lifeless forest. At 1000hrs, a flock of Chik-a-dees moves through the watch going uphill, and at 1400hrs they returned, traveling in the opposite direction through the watch. It was nice to see life!

Saturday: Crew hunts to Hilton, then to Red Pail, then the big drive back to Billy’s Watch, where the Pie-Whore waited in fine fashion for the men to come through. No mules observed, no scrapes or rubs.

Sunday: Crew hunts “Bunny Hill”, no mules. Crew of four remains to hunt part two of the Bunny Hills, where a flag was finally observed. Nothing else.

  • Bucks: 0
  • Does: 0
  • Flags: 1

2010 First Weekend Post Report

Saturday: Crew hunts over through Beaver Valley over Liz through the Knolls. Mules located in the Knolls and sent a’flyin to the East. No apparent bucks in the mix. Newbie learns the meaning of the watch, and performs quite well on his first drive. Voluminous sign of moose noted on Thumb trail!

Sunday: Crew anxiously awaits till rain begins to hunt “Bunny Hill”. Rain commences in fine fashion when crew is in woods. Mules once again a’flyin off hill in every direction except up. In the case regarding Probie, a flat-topped mule almost ran up his ass! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Saturated crew watches in amazement as Probie extricates said mule from his innards, using a “doearectomy” which then continues on to parts unknown. Meanwhile a lone mule escapes rear of hunt, through back door past lone watcher. Next time TWO watchers will be posted at said location of escape.

Don’t forget to send any photos to Digger for compilation!

Den-mama sports new bumper sticker! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Count to be updated from archives!

  • Bucks: 0
  • Does: ??
  • Flags: ??

Election week long hunt

hey whats going on guys? when we were up at work weekend a couple of guys were throwing around the idea of having a election week hunt come up after election day and stay till the end of the weekendย  let me know if this is something that will be happening.ย ย  SEE YOU IN 11 DAYS

FLASH! Polecat to get “Big Boy” Radio!

It’s true! Recent findings reveal that Polecat is in the process of upgrading to a new powerful, feature packed radio! ๐Ÿ™‚

Now we’ll never know how “far” away he’ll be, as his Playskool radio gave out at long distances.

He could be driving the other side of the big creek, while we lurk on Stayaway, waiting for his return. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Proof Of Life!

This just in from Probie:


Robba sent me the attached picture for you to post on the website. It is a 10 point buck shot by Bill C behind the cinema in “Town”. About a 17-1/2โ€ spread. There are big bucks in them thar hills. See you Friday.


Well boys if that ain’t enough to get yer blood pumping then ya better consider a new hobby!
See you guys Friday!