From the roaming field reporter Digger, rumor has it that the Ftrooper known as Slost, who is Smissing – has been sighted at a local swill-eatery location.
Will he return to hunt this year? Where has he been? Is the roof finally done? Is there a new project in the works?
These and more questions from our inquiring minds are to be answered soon hopefully.
Until then, hunting is still on this year……starting in October…Slost!
I spotted the elusive “Not in good standing” F-Trooper at Ruby Tuesday’s in Crossgates Mall this past weekend. According to Stosh the barn roof is complete. Finally! Now the house roof was in need of repair. Of course Stosh spent all spring and summer planning the massive project and started it in the fall. Coincidence? I think not.
Stosh was accompanied by his significant other who informed me that she has regularly encouraged Stosh to go to hunting camp,but HE chose to stay home and deny her a peaceful weekend. He has assured me that he does in fact know when hunting season is and he will be joining the men this coming fall! Only time will tell!
Is on hold till Digger puts up some photo’s. Ya better hurry because I’m starting to forget what happened and I’ll make it all up!
FRIDAY:A strong turnout (except Toucher, who was once a member in good standing) of the FAMHC results in a big push from the top down to Billy’s watch trail. Snow is present creating a confusing mesh of mule tracks that seems to made by several hundred mules, or one very hyperactive one. Probie pushes one down from Camp Knob, which apparently has been trained by F-troops elite crew (not including Toucher) and reverses course in the direction from where the drive commenced. Lots of sign, but no tails seen!
SATURDAY:The crew, (now including the now probationary F**K Toucher) takes of to lands far away to see if the Beast O’ Mighty would like to engage in a round of “hide and see mules”. Replicating the previous drive where Polecat got his buck last week, mules were pushed, as evident from the melted tracks that once again abound. Not one tail was seen however. On the descent to camp and cold beer, Robba decides to one last drive through Piney knob and the Knolls. As with the results from hide and see deer hunt, not one tail was seen.
SUNDAY:A tired and disgusted crew has had enough. A clean camp was the result of Sunday’s activities, with the Denmama returning to regular camp duties; as once again directed by HIS denmama!
afterthoughts:As the rock star Bob Segar sang in a popular song, “The Fire Down Below”, it appears the Toucher has been burnt by said fire, to the third degree. Not one FAMHC event was attended by the Toucher, who’s lackadaisical approach to the esteemed club warrants his placement on a probation so severe that it can’t be labeled. Will he ever be back in the FAMHC good standing? As far as we know, he’s hiding somewhere behind a 55 gallon waste oil drum in the shop! He won’t even post! Council was held, his fate is now in his hands, besides other “items”.
Polecat with his 7 pointer! Friday:The FAMHC reconvenes with four Rangers, (one retired) and hunts the off site area that consumed two weekends last season. A beautiful day resulted in a sunny warm watch for Leaddog, who’s paw is now on the mend and seems to be in working order. No mules observed, but a very nice day indeed; as compared to the next two days of hunting in “Three inches of partly cloudy”. On a side note, under “camp business” it seems that one charter member of the FAMHC, the “Toucher” has not reported in on any Friday so far this year to maintain his membership in good standing status. Rule 33b(iii) clearly states that unless a medical excuse is presented, (or death which is as good as always), any member must attend at least ONE Friday hunt to keep said status in good standing. Not only was that the issue, TWO weekends of prime hunting were missed as well. At his time, the Toucher, aka: “Every other weeker” is now placed on probation, which has many consequences, most still to be determined. Badges will be placed with Polecat’s in the rusty oil can, in the shitter.
Saturday: The crew assembles sans two Rangers, Probie and Lindy to hunt the way back. Attacking the area of concern (AOC) during complete snow squall whiteouts not one sign of “Beast O’ Mighty” was seen by the advance team. Etch-a-Sketch conditions from snow proves that the beast is not sparring with the crew. This results in a bad attitude, especially for Robba. Since the crew is now in the middle of nowhere, in the AOC a decision was made to hunt the way out. But what was found that Beast O’ Mighty has set up shop on the other side of the creek, as evidenced by resultant rubs seen. One “rub” was actually a gouge on a tree bigger than a telephone pole. While the now split crew decides to make a small hunt to see if said beast is present, three rangers from the FAMHC (all in good standing) hunts one hill to the right of the other crew. One last minute change in route assignments resulted in Brown is Down. These three FAMHC-Rangers, (with membership in good standing) attacks the hill, with the Polecat hijacking Leaddog’s route. Switching said routes, Polecat stays low, Leaddog and Digger climbs the hill to the top, where Digger finds beds and does feeding. One mule seems to try to escape behind Leaddog, and circles around and runs into Polecat, who dispatched the mule in fine fashion. A seven pointer, and one happy Denmama was the end result. Robba and Steven, assisted by others drags the poor beast in record time to the means of conveyance over two miles away.
Sunday: A now happy crew awakens to more of “three inches of partly cloudy”. A preplanned hunt of one of the bunny hills ensues, but this time it was do be done in reverse, thus hopefully confusing the mules when encountered. Old watches from years past were once again manned and the drive commenced only to find that an interloper has made his presence into the area thus screwing up the well planned hunt. Fresh mule tracks were seen by Leaddog coming off the hill heading to the other side, and was confirmed by the Trailhugger who found fresh beds that most likely would have contained the mules. The crew is convinced that this hunt may have resulted in the probability of another buck hanging, but the sole interloper pushed the mules out of the area prior. Obviously the interloper forgot that the southern zone is open and the woods of the north are for F-Troop’s use only!
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