2014 Deer And Bear Harvest Reports Available

The numbers are in. The total Deer take for 2014 was 238,672, down 2.0% from 2013. You can find the reports on NYS DEC website by following this link:                                                                             http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/42232.html                               For the WMU we hunt in the number of bucks taken dropped slightly from the 2013 season:



5H        2,191            0.7



5H       2,498              0.8



Spring Hike – Update


Polecat has sent visual conformation of the current conditions of basecamp. These were taken on Apr 17 2015. Doesn’t look good up there. If and when we do embark on this years hike, all present are sure to earn the coveted Black Fly Badge.


Has there been a destination chosen yet for this year spring hike? Also when will said hike take place?


Every year we joke about it, but it actually happened!

“In udda words, it’s a giant four pointer!”

While browsing the March 6, 2015  Vol. 11, No. 5 issue of NY Outdoor News, which you cheap dildo’s can subscribe to by clicking hereI came across an article about a guy who got a $1200+ fine for illegally shooting a moose last hunting season. You cheap dildo’s can read the article here. In short, an out of state hunter shot and killed a young bull moose in Lewis County last November. He mistook the young bull for a big whitetail buck. The individual turned himself in that same day. What a cityidot! We joke about it, this guy went out and did it.! Hey Chip, don’t be this guy! 🙂



Deep Snow At Camp

36 inch snow pack on the ground.  Got 17 in January and 45 in February  (62″)  The 12 or so we got in December melted from the rain.

The deer have to be hurting.  We will lose some of the smaller ones.

We should get up on Stay Away this spring and cut some browse.


******BREAKING NEWS!!******

This just in from Polecat. Due to harsh winter weather they were forced to use out house, frozen septic tank pipe. Pictures above.

The Great Missing Pillow Caper

Have You seen me?

It was just over a month, since the close of the season,
Before out came a rant, for some particular reason.
An item close to one’s heart was found to be missing,
Which kept all of the gang endlessly guessing.

All were notified, warned, and thoroughly scolded,
It appeared that the camp, might soon could be folded.
Polecat, who was holding fast to his ground,
Said that the camp would be closed, until it was found.

Searching many places, with some high and some low,
They looked in between spaces, where the mice even go.
Hours were spent, working on this fateful event,
The item was still missing, with no clue where it went.

Who would have taken it, and the question is why?
How could it be missing, was the Polecats reply.

At the same time, at over a hundred miles away,
Two of his Rangers, called each other to say;
I have an idea, as to where it may be!
You’ll have to search elsewhere, so go look and we’ll see.

As fate would have it, the item was soon found.
Not all that far either, from the original ground.
A young RIT took it, without any permission,
He’s now on the shit list, and will live in the kitchen!

By Leaddog