Ok Boys,
Here we go again! Yet another year has passed and it’s time to ready the installation for mule related adventures, which will be here quicker than a progressive socialist liberal placing a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker over the O-bomba sticker on a Prius!
What will be the assignments this year? Two teams to recon the backcountry, including the rescue team?
Low cost, subsidized organic-free-range firewood sales to the general public?
Woodlot clearing so we can see Marsh again and receive the TV signals better from the flatland?
Rebuild the shitter, including more space for storage?
Any more ideas?
There will be 5 teams out on the trails.
One flat land team from camp to Billy’s watch, Pie Whore’s mystery trail.
One team to the red painted marker trail
Two teams (leaves camp early) into the high country. Start cutting up Camp trail, thru Hooter Valley and to the Red Pail. Hot Dogs will be served at the Hilton.
One team to the Duck Hole, Beaver Valley and the escape route trail.
There will be absolutely NO whineing. Teams can volunteer or will be assigned by your Den Ma Ma
First teams back will form a chain gang and put the fire wood in the shed.
Only exceptions will be the Hobbit, Tobias and Pie Whore. They will tend to the camp chores.
One piece of humanoid crap will be right next to me in the high country. The shit head who took the pillow sham out of the camp.
Your Den Ma Ma
PS I think we should pass new rule 69A the the fine doubles for not showing up for work week end. I will be the judge for excuses.
Uh-oh Jaws,
Looks like you may be part of the next “smissing” team!
Less then a week to go until WWE 2015! Im sure everybody has been training hard to be in shape for the upcoming season. I ran a 5 mile 15 obstacle Spartan race up killington Mountain on Sunday to get ready. Thats what real men do. But if you aren’t ready for that, Leaddog is offering lessons in yoga with a F-Troop twist to get ya in shape for the season! Classes will be forming this weekend! 🙂
You should have taken that beached Bealuga Whale thats on that rock with you on your Spartan mission. He’s beyond yoga.
I have not heard from Robba, Lindy, Steve or Chip as of today. They got 2 days to call by noon or I count them out.
Beached “Beluga” Whale? You should try spell check…..if you can find out how to use it.
I hope you don’t need another rescue this year. I’ll have to send in Ploss to find your asses. Then you’ll make the DEC website headline as:
“Hamilton County- Ferris Lake Wilderness Rescue”
Three idiots once again loses their navigation skills and gets lost in a remote, scary part of the Adirondacks where bears and killer chipmunks roam.. One old fart, the leader being around 75 or so, led two companions on a backcountry expedition that almost resulted in what could be considered as catastrophic results. One member of the ill fated trio almost went into diabetic shock, due to the removal of his insulin pump battery to power the decrepits radio, which once again saved their lives. The other member who will remain unidentified was last seen hugging a tree in a most amorous position.
The three were hand led out of the big scary woods, on a leash by DEC R5 Rangers, ECO’s, EMS, the Pope, and the bartender from the local swill mill.
The bartender reported “We had to get them back to the relative safety of the bar and beer, our bottom line depends on beer sales, plus it’s the only entertainment we all look forward to for the weekend”
No emergency medical assistance was required, except for a fresh AAA battery.