Cameras, Water and the Leaddog!

Ok….this is it. After several inquiries as to why I’m constantly being taped when crossing creeks, and now the cables as well, it appears I must defend myself.

FACT: I’ve NEVER slipped and fell in ANY creek when crossing cables, over the last 20 years of doing so.

FACT: I once, with Stosh, was left hanging from a cable when we tried to cross two at once, and the lower cable let go at the turnbuckle. A graceful plunge in two inches of water was endured by both of us.

FACT: ONCE, at least 10 years ago, if not more…when following Polecat I slipped on a frozen rock from his traverse, when it was -10, four miles from camp and my leg went in, which resulted in my pants freezing solid as armor. I proceeded to hunt, and actually dried out after a few hours of walking; as a matter of fact I think I hunted to the TOP of Twin Lake Mtn that day.

So…keep taping me as I cross the streams and cables…..wait till one of YOU falls in! 😉

Spring Hike 2011 A Success!

Well another hike is in the record books. The weather was great, the beer was cold, and our feet were sore. Seven rangers braved the expedition this year and earned badges I didn’t even know existed. We feasted on “tube steaks” at the ancient fire ring! Explored the cave and crawled all over Stay Away in search of new ways to attack it in the fall. Then we enjoyed beers in the sun while gazing upon Buck Mountain in the distance. We covered all that and still made it out before having to get the headlamps out!
As always, pictures coming soon…..! 🙂

NYS Orthoimagery Application

Here is a link to NYS Orthos Online Aerial Imagery for your viewing pleasure. Start studying now Dan! Detail is pretty good when zoomed in, I can see my trailer, the Humphrey House, dump trucks, and the hunting camp.

One thing you don’t see is all the snow that is still on the ground! If you want to get an idea of that check this out “What a difference a year makes!”, posted by the same guy who runs He is right about the NOAA link, I lost half an hour just like that playing around with all the options and I have no idea what most of them even mean. 🙂

So where are we gonna try to “Troop” this Spring/Summer?