Saturday: The crew reassembles once again to chase mules across the lands. Heavy rains prior to opening festivities produces a predicament for those with stream crossing limitations to figure out a better way to even get to the cable to cross the first of many creeks. Once the long legged jumpers were across the creek and set up in video mode to capture any “plungees” (see “Sploosh-Cat goes Wilder”), it was determined that a better crossing method was to be deployed, since four others with the same limitations were to soon follow. An engineering marvel occurred and a workaround was found using parts from a stashed “non-conforming structure” to build a bridge for said access. To the dismay of the jeering longlegged jumpers, an access was deployed denying the anticipated photographic event. All made it across without incident, which incidentally was the result of the days hunt as well.

Leaddog send two does right over Toucher’s toes, who then vanish into the still attached leaves which abound everywhere. The crew pushes on to send yet another mule down the hill, possibly looking for the newly built stream crossing.

Polecat cries like a Mamby-Pamby baby about being on watch in the flatland for a whopping twenty minutes, which was heard two miles away via radio, up top by the now leaderless rangers. This is also produced a situation alike when the Apollo moon missions went behind the moon resulting in a communications blackout for a period of time.

It was bliss, until the crew got out of the shadow returning to the Polecat’s range, and rage of transmissions.

The whining continued.

Sunday: Waking to heavy rains, and the promise of more the crew hunts “local” which still entailed three miles of hiking. Part one of the hunt results in contact with mules by Digger on part one of the drive, and the Toucher on part two, and a possible mule heading downhill with “brush” reportedly being seen by the Polecat, on part whatever…..

The upcoming Friday commences the FAMHC activities, which appears to be a solo hunt by the Leaddog. 😉


Ok boys, lets make it easy for the Sploosh-cat! Who’s going to be present for opening day (10-20) activities in the big woods?

I’m in! (Leaddog)


So I’m confused, am I fined $50.00 or not. If so I need to know so I can go to the bank and get a hundred rolls of pennies. Don’t worry Polecat I’m just kidding. I don’t care if we cut firewood or not I’ll just be glad to beable to see you all again!

Derrie and Canon face off with a Bear!

While picking blackberries last weekend Derrie and Canon ran into a black bear on the side of the driveway. So Polecat decides to put out the critter cam to get a few photo’s of the bear, he ends up getting some great shots of not just the bear! These photo’s should get you guys excited about the upcoming hunting season!