“In udda words, it’s a giant four pointer!”
While browsing the March 6, 2015 Vol. 11, No. 5 issue of NY Outdoor News, which you cheap dildo’s can subscribe to by clicking here. I came across an article about a guy who got a $1200+ fine for illegally shooting a moose last hunting season. You cheap dildo’s can read the article here. In short, an out of state hunter shot and killed a young bull moose in Lewis County last November. He mistook the young bull for a big whitetail buck. The individual turned himself in that same day. What a cityidot! We joke about it, this guy went out and did it.! Hey Chip, don’t be this guy! 🙂
What an idiot – actually a cityot!
You’re starting to sound like someone we all know. Keep it up, and we’ll start calling you “Diggy-Cat”!