FLASH! Polecat to get “Big Boy” Radio!

It’s true! Recent findings reveal that Polecat is in the process of upgrading to a new powerful, feature packed radio! 🙂

Now we’ll never know how “far” away he’ll be, as his Playskool radio gave out at long distances.

He could be driving the other side of the big creek, while we lurk on Stayaway, waiting for his return. 😉

Proof Of Life!

This just in from Probie:


Robba sent me the attached picture for you to post on the website. It is a 10 point buck shot by Bill C behind the cinema in “Town”. About a 17-1/2” spread. There are big bucks in them thar hills. See you Friday.


Well boys if that ain’t enough to get yer blood pumping then ya better consider a new hobby!
See you guys Friday!

WWE 2010 Post Report

Recap: TLD cuts and cleans mainline to redpail…then back to the outlet…TPC cuts through Beaver Valley to the “Escape Route”. Like the first two rail lines in the ol’ west, the two teams meet on target at Gitchi-gumi outlet, where all “partook” in a hotdog roast in the middle of nowhere. No golden spike was hammered into the hollowed ground. The hotdogs were of this years vintage even! Not even thawed from a frozen mass of some assemblage of nitrite ridden fat, lips and ass parts.

Two “newbies” on TPC vowed to return…..wait till it’s -56 with 45kt winds at sunset…going uphill!

From recent calculations….it appears that Team Leaddog BEAT Team Polecat by almost a mile in the recent deathmarch !!!!

I even gave a little extra distance to Team Polecat for buffer.

9.5 miles Team Polecat

10.5 miles Team Leaddog

Here are the photo’s from WWE 2010!

[nggallery id=7]

Work Week End 2010

From your Den Ma Ma–Be ready to work

hard. I already have one tree job. Just a

take down & cut into 4 or 8 ft pieces. No limbing.

You Rangers already know where your

going. You can wave to Gitchygoomy as we

pass by. Chain saws, gas & oil and good boots

required.   See you in camp.
