I am a proud member of the esteemed hunting camp rightfully named F-Troop. I am also the lazy caretaker of this half developed, outdated site. Don't worry, as always the "update is in progress!"
Our Den Mama has sent the official email announcing the date of May 18 for this years great expedition. A redo of last years misguided tromp is in order. Picture above pretty much sums up how we all felt during last years attempt. Hopefully conditions will not push our Gore-Tex to it’s limits again. For a refresher of how much fun we had last year go here:Spring Hike 2018
While clearing brush down by the screen house recently our Den Mama was attacked by a chainsaw. He managed to escape this unexpected assault with minor scrapes and was treated on the scene and did not need to seek further medical attention.
Den Mama would like to remind everybody that sometimes “chainsaws bite!”
The last couple of winters these hooligans have been tearing up my backyard. Last Saturday I caught them in the act! I think it is some sort of Snowmosexual Snow Dance. It must have worked because 15+ inches fell that night with another foot on the way three days later.
The second gathering of the FAMHC results in two gaining the required credits to maintain membership in said esteemed club. Robba and Probie joins Leaddog to hunt in yet another round of pouring rain, which finally stopped after much whining and waiting. The three finally gets out, and hits the local hills, with no results – at all. Up through the Knolls, up to the 10.2 watch, above on Liz and all over the place the three search for any sign of mules. Polecat escapes yet another day in the woods with the men, staying back at camp with his trusty hound Molly to receive a load of fuel for the upcoming snowmosexual season..argh..Back to camp, where a beastloaf is compiled and washed down with beer and consumed by all.
A blitz of Liz is planned by the gang, sans Toucher who is up once again and leaves in the scary darkness of night, manning his watch up high. Persistence, persistence! The crew scrambles up, over, around and even under Liz – with nothing being pushed about. Digger sees his friend “Marty the Martin” once again, and has a conversation with the furball (see the video below). What is Marty trying to convey to Digger? We’ll never know! A push around the Duckhole and a drive down “the mountain on the other side of the Duckhole” 😉 is performed, picking up the frozen Toucher who then drives with all back towards camp. Leaddog gets caught up in the corner ledges of the “little one” 😉 attempting to find out just where the mules exits and finds out they must be using parachutes or hang gliders to do so. Running tracks are followed down, which veers off and the maker of such zips behind the drivers. All clambers into Lindy’s brand spanking new Chevy for a .25 mile ride back up the hill to camp. Another action packed night in camp follows! Note that once again Polecat is not with the men – as he waits for the Dish TV guy to show up – who never did. We can only imagine the conversation held on Monday between Polecat and the Dish TV people……
Triple Lying Doppler radar reports that a green blob is on the horizon and fast approaching, so the gang hunts the very local bunny hill. Chip is allowed to man “LEADDOG’s” other watch, where a rename was attempted by Chip. A reminder to”respect my authorit-a” was conveyed, and “your not worthy” to even be there as well. Chip click play below:
All works the hill with rubs and scrapes observed. Part two results in a very fresh scrape seen, but the maker of such was not. All returns to camp just as the green blob does as well. All leaves the happy hunting grounds, with some of the gang stopping a local swillery for a round of yard-bird wings – it was reported that Polecat had only one-uno-just-1, yup – one single beer…because he had that “look of fear in his eyes”!
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