Well, we’re back! I’ll try to keep it current from this point on for all you lurking trolls out there…..
Opening Day – Saturday:
As with work weekend, a skeleton crew assembles to figure out how all their gear form last year was stored for the winter! Once everything was found, thrown out and/or assembled an attempt was made to determine what mules survived the winter, besides the “Pet Park Mule” (off limits for now) and associated mulelett’s. A local hunt was performed Saturday with no results due to leaves hindering any good watches for now. Hopefully things will get better by next week…..
Sunday: Digger and Leaddog performs a hunt to the 360 watch, nothing observed. At all.
Observation: Note the science experiment that was found in the fridge from work weekend, we think!…….the photo says all!
Week Two – Friday:
The first FAMHC event takes place with Leaddog sitting on watch, all alone in the howling Adirondack primeval wilderness…ok – it was actually the first watch on the yellow feather knolls trail! After a few hours, a “noise” is heard, a Grunt from right out of sight! Minutes later an odor of the barnyard type enveloped the watch, which based on the wind came from the location of said grunt. The maker of this grunt could be heard as it slowly walked away into the wind just below the watching Leaddog, grunting a few more times. No….said hunter did not reply with a grunt, as his tube was sitting in the truck, well protected from the elements. Lesson learned! Steven arrives later in the day, thus maintaining his coveted membership in the esteemed FAMHC, who meets and surprises the LD in his Upper Watch! Steven earns his “Yellow Feather Knolls Trail” Badge!!!
The driving crew heads to a starting point, where every step in one more closer to the camp. Spike and Steven are the only watchers on duty, due to lack of attendance by what was once the “core crew”. A very nice scrape was seen on the way in, with a footprint in it the size of a moose….All converge on the only two watchers with nothing being pushed, that we know of! An additional hunt was performed before hitting the camp, with nothing seen as well. All returns to camp and the scheduled festivities commence.
Rain, rain….RAIN!
Next Weekend, Leaddog and Probie will attempt something on Friday with an early start, once we figure it out!

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