Nope….not yet.
Leaddog and Steven arrives, and both hit the hills. Leaddog takes the Knolls trail, Steven goes the Piney Knob route. Robba joins the two and hits the local hill with nothing. nadda. zilch. zero. The three converge on the forbidden lands below with a few tracks here and there, but not the zig-zag of WTF as seen the next day.
The gang of six (where there was once 12 or more) goes deep into the howling wilderness to hopefully extricate the mega-mule that is scraping the ground to bedrock and rubbing trees so hard that they glow red at night. Yup – red at night… Toucher now in better spirits has the bell, and takes the Polecat for a walk. To Gitchi-gumi and beyond! Rubs, scrapes and other mule related items were found by the crew, but where is he? It looks like there may be more than one mule staking his claim, but it’s staked out well before we get to the roast!
The opposite Bunny-hill is attacked, with Leaddog finally getting to watch in a watch that wasn’t watched since the last time Leaddog watched a mule get spanked! More tracks are seen than ever, beech nuts abound, as the very air is abound with beech nuts as they rain upon the watchers. Not one mule is seen however….What gives?
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