F-Troop Classifieds–Buy, Sell, Trade
For Sale/Trade/Bid:
One rarely used F-troop beer mug, with F-troop logo and the name : “HAY”
This item is a must sell. It’s in excellent condition, has the slight odor of eiderdown, and is occupying valuable freezer space in the camp. The name probably can be scratched off if necessary. It was once used to clean Greene’s false teeth, so it has a unique history.With this item comes a bunk upstairs which is in the same condition as the mug.
The camp fund could use some bolstering, so a bidding war is encouraged.

For Sale:
1 Stihl MS290 Farm Boss with 20″Bar, 2 chains and case!!
$50.00 gets you everything. Will deliver!
Need to sell by 09/28/2012!!!!
For Sale:
1 Husqvarna 350-18″ chainsaw, extra chains, gas and oil!
$50.00, cash American..no bickering.
I’ll buy both of them and let you guys borrow them back at NO charge!!!!