All in a days work!

Sources close to the situation confirm that a member of the esteemed F-Troop hunting club did in fact go to the Metcalf Chain of Lakes yesterday on “official NYS DEC business”. While the details of the excursion remain scarce, photographic proof has been leaked. While the member in question does not appear in any of the said photos, we still know who you are. Since this was not a FAMHC sanctioned event, no badges will be awarded. In fact fines may be imposed since said member cheated his way to the Metcalf’s by taking the easy way in and also a canoe may have been used without a permit!

Exhibit 1a:
[nggallery id=4]

Exhibit 1b: A Email from the accused-

Metcalf, west end. That’s two nicks on the card!

Wilmurt to Rock (canoe) to Farmers Vly to Lake…10.3 miles on GPS….lovely day! Even got overtime……

Pix’s to follow….tomorrow

You better get ready for hunting….I am!!!

Metcalf’s while on Overtime!
You better get ready for season long Dish Duty!


Squirrel’s Beware!!!!

I just received my shiny new GAMO Big Cat 1200 from Cabela’s today thanks to some B-day gift card’s. I have had it with trying to handle my vermin problem humanly! I have tried everything to keep the squirrels out of my garbage cans with no success. It’s time they met their maker. Once I get it sighted in, there won’t be a squirrel within 40 feet of my bathroom window! 🙂
Hey Leaddog, know any good squirrel recipes?


FAMHC Spring Hike-Update

Den MaMa:

You voted for him. Now live with him. I’ll be watching the snow left in the woods so expect a short notice call for the men’s spring thing. The sick, lame and lazy wont be called.

(Picture of Maxine, I opted to discard. )

Let me get this straight.

We’re going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

What the hell could possibly go wrong?

From Den MaMa via e-mail

“Get Yer Knee’s Greased Boy’s!” as Leaddog would say!

Spring Is Coming!

It’s been nice out the last few days and all I can think about is the annual F-Troop spring hike! I gotta get out of the city before I lose it! Where are we going this year boys?
Maybe here:

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